Tuesday, 24 July 2007

The Shots Seen Round the World...

Damn, well they came out in reverse order, but I guess it doesn't matter : )

Tiger I and 8.8cm FLAK 36 (Left to Right in all cases)...

German Reconnaissance- Sdfkz 222 and Sdkfz 234/1 in the background, with front and rear views of two recce infantry units.

Another of the same, showing the entire platoon/company, with armoured cars to the rear.

British anti-tank gun support ; 6pdr and two 17pdrs, with Bren Carriers in the background.

Just a few of the many... British Airborne. The centre-front unit is a surplus base (28th), which I added an offcier to to mark it out as the Brigade Defence Platoon unit during my ongoing Arnhem campaign.

I've also taken a variety of shots of my Kursk and late-war German armour, Russian armour, and Western Allied tanks, but I'll hold those for a while. If you'd like to see them anyway, let me know of course ; )

1 comment:

meadows boy said...

A great blog, will add it to my favorites!
I have my own blog www.davidsberg.blogspot.com whatever!!!! I know how important comments are! I am interested in all areas of history and wargaming and I am going to start a 20th century project soon!
keep up the good work!