Tuesday, 24 July 2007

The Shots Seen Round the World...

Damn, well they came out in reverse order, but I guess it doesn't matter : )

Tiger I and 8.8cm FLAK 36 (Left to Right in all cases)...

German Reconnaissance- Sdfkz 222 and Sdkfz 234/1 in the background, with front and rear views of two recce infantry units.

Another of the same, showing the entire platoon/company, with armoured cars to the rear.

British anti-tank gun support ; 6pdr and two 17pdrs, with Bren Carriers in the background.

Just a few of the many... British Airborne. The centre-front unit is a surplus base (28th), which I added an offcier to to mark it out as the Brigade Defence Platoon unit during my ongoing Arnhem campaign.

I've also taken a variety of shots of my Kursk and late-war German armour, Russian armour, and Western Allied tanks, but I'll hold those for a while. If you'd like to see them anyway, let me know of course ; )

Work in progress...

The very last of my British Paras - a couple of minutes prior to
going to have their bases finished off, and parachute winds added to their berets.
Having concluded that I now have enough units to field an entire Parachute Brigade, along with an Airlanding anti-tank battery!

Just a quick taster, I'm in the process of photographing the rest of my collection for a portfolio, for people who might be interested in engaging my services.

Happy gaming, tim.

Monday, 23 July 2007

First Shots

One of my favourite models - not 10mm, but 1/35 get used as a master for paint schemes that I might want to try on 10mm.
The light/shade and camera qaulity probably detract, but the wood grain seems to have come out, so its all good :)

Happy Gaming, Tim.

The First Post

Well indeed, much as it says above really. I knew I needed someway to allow people to easily access both myself, and more importantly my work, so here it is, my blog page. This came into being mainly as a result of my inability to decipher the many variations on the Microsoft website creator program.

The purpose? Well as I have secreted amongst the various applications in non too subtle ways - if you wish to see my work and ask me for a quote for a comission, then this is the place to look!

Its not all for that though, its also an opportunity for me to set aside my own little slice of the wargaming world, and publish articles, thoughts and so on. Anyway, enough from me, much reminas still to be done!

Happy gaming, tim.