Thursday, 22 November 2007

15mm FOW Commission - LW PzGr

Work in progress shot of LW Pz Gr, in standard feldgrau uniforms. Little bit more work to do on these, but pretty straightforward - should be able to do around 4 a day, probably more.
happy gaming,

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Ok, so here are soem of the latest completions for you to see:

First up, the 5 bases of MGs...

Next, we have the finished 75mm Pack Howitzers...

And finally, the 3 PIAT teams. These units are some of the favourite ones I've done, nice crisp finish : D

That's it for now, working at a furious pace at the moment, so I'll get back into it!
Happy Gaming,

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Super Stealthy Stuarts

So stealthy in fact, that they've managed to sneak on to some Hamilcar gliders. (Whilst directing the Tetrarch squadron to the wrong airfield, naturally).
Details added - A Squadron triangular tactical marking, squadron leader diamond in central vehicle, regiment markings on front flanks, Allied star on turret top-surfaces, and a bit of weathering. (Gotta get me those Tamiya weahering sticks!) Oh, and the tank numbers.
Happy Gaming,